The Class IV laser sends photons of light through the skin and tissue, which are absorbed by cells and converted into energy. This process is called photobiomodulation, It activates mitochondrial receptors and triggers a series of cellular events that support healing. Laser therapy reduces inflammation and pain, accelerates tissue repair and growth, improves vascular and metabolic activity, reduces fibrous tissue formation and improves nerve function etc. It can be used to treat both acute and chronic injuries. Treatment sessions last about 5-10 minutes.
This is a therapeutic treatment using high frequency sound waves administered in the region of soft tissue injuries. Sound vibrations as fast as a million times per second penetrate the tissues deep in the body, creating a heat response. These vibrations and heat help break down and disperse unhealthy calcium and other hard tissue accumulations. Ultrasound treatment can usually be administered directly to the area of complaint, penetrating deep into the body. The rise in temperature, increase blood flow, relaxes muscle spasms, massages damaged tissues and speeds the healing process.
The Intersegmental Traction Table induces passive motion into the spine for the purpose of stretching spinal joints and increasing mobility. Patients will lie face up on the table which has roller-type cams beneath its surface. These rollers can slowly travel the length of the spine by stretching spinal joints.
Our rehabilitative protocols require active patient participation and are meant to reproduce actions necessary for natural and efficient movements. Research has shown that patients with chronic pain improve faster with increased activity. We will develop an individualized exercise protocol specifically designed for each patient according to their type of injury and the activity or sport they wish to return to. Scientific studies also show that exercise is more effective when combined with manual therapy (adjustments, soft tissue treatments, etc).
Massage therapy is a hands-on manipulation of the soft tissue and joints of the body. The soft tissues include muscle, skin, tendons and associated fascia, ligaments and joint capsules.
Massage has many diverse physiological effects, which are primarily due to the therapist’s hands moving over the body. The different movements can physically stretch muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia, encourage the circulation through the tissue, inhibit muscular spasms and be either sedating or stimulating to the nervous system.
The therapeutic use of massage by a registered massage therapist affects all the systems of the body – in particular, the muscular, circulatory, lymphatic (immune) and nervous systems.
Many of today’s health problems can benefit from massage therapy because the manipulation of soft tissues affects so many of our bodily systems.
The benefits of massage are extensive. Massage therapy treatments will have a therapeutic effect and improve health by acting directly on the muscular, nervous, circulatory and lymphatic (immune) systems.
Massage treatments aim to:
Develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function. Relieve or prevent physical dysfunction and pain.
Relax tight and tense muscles.
Improve circulation, recovery time and immune system function.
Reduce overall stress.
Massage therapy is also effective in the control of pain chronic or acute, in stress reduction, and in creating a sense of relaxation and well-being.
This newest and most advanced form of taping has been shown to have amazing results with athletes, chronic pain, and other muscular or joint issues. We use this technique to support muscle, remove congestion (inflammation), correct and stabilize joint problems, and to activate the body’s natural pain relievers. These benefits have attributed to increased healing time, and increased success in the training and rehabilitation phases of injuries. Kinesio-tape when applied properly can support weak muscles, rehab overused muscles, decrease pressure allowing for the movement of edema (swelling), and apply extra stabilization to the injured area. Kinesio-tape activates the body’s neurological and circulatory pathway, increasing muscle function and the body’s natural ability to heal itself. For more information visit the Kinesio Taping® Association International website at